Our Story
Hi, I’m Jason, founder of GO! Outfitters and the designer of our gear. I formed GO! Outfitters in 2015 with our flagship product The GO! Hammock. Here’s the story of how we got our start.
Many years ago, when I started getting into hammock camping, I made a lot of beginner mistakes and was frustrated. After my first hammock camping trip, I was just about ready to give up. But since I had already purchased so much gear, I decided to give it another go. I scoured the internet and joined hammock camping groups and forums to learn everything I could. I was amazed by the passion of hammock camping enthusiasts and all the techniques and equipment to choose from.
I’m glad I stuck with it because after gaining some knowledge and getting a good hammock that was actually designed to sleep in, I fell in love with this hobby, and became a hammock camper for life.
Launching GO! Outfitters

After my first hammock camping trip, I started really getting into hammock camping. I had fun learning everything I could. I tried all kinds of techniques and gear. After a lot of tinkering for a while, I had an idea for a simple invention. An easy method of tensioning up loose fabric on a large hammock. I called it the Fabric Tensioning System. I tested my invention by modifying a hammock, and it worked great at tightening up loose fabric. It also gave the hammock a unique shape by creating folds in what is normally loose fabric.

Fabric Tensioning System (shown above) tightens up loose hammock fabric.
Next, I designed a camping hammock featuring my Fabric Tensioning System called the GO! Hammock. I built several prototypes, improving the design each time. When I was happy with it, I decided to launch a project on Kickstarter, a crowdfunding website, to see if there would be any support. In 2015, I made a low quality video that still makes me cringe when I watch it and launched the project. I set a small goal for the bare minimum I would need to start production. I didn’t think the project was likely to get funded. I had no idea how to run a Kickstarter project and had no marketing plan. But I launched the project anyway. To my amazement, the project raised over 200% of the goal and GO! Outfitters was born. Our backers loved the hammock, and to this day, many of them are still customers. To date, we’ve had more than thirteen products funded on Kickstarter and have created many innovative hammock camping products and inventions. New products are coming soon! If you want to be the first to hear about them, please sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page.
What’s next for GO! Outfitters?
We want to make it easy to learn about hammock camping so more people can experience this great hobby. Many people get frustrated when starting out, because it seems overwhelming at first. At GO! Outfitters, we’ll help you avoid this unnecessary frustration with our free hammock camping video tutorials and our expert designed gear, so you’ll be able to start out your hammock camping hobby like a pro.

GO! Outfitters gear is made for experts, beginners and everyone in between. We design equipment that’s packed with the features that many experts demand. When you buy GO! Outfitters brand gear, you can rest assured that you’re investing in well-designed, high quality gear that won’t let you down.
We’re a small family run business and our customer’s complete satisfaction is our number one priority. We stand behind everything we sell. If you ever have an issue with any of our products, please reach out to us for world-class customer service.
Thank you for considering our gear!
-Jason Montgomery